Advanced Effect Maker - Selecting Applets In order to be able to create one applet, you must first select it. When you start the program, you have a list of the applets available to you in a tree structured field. Double click on the applet name you wish to create in order for the configuration dialog for that effect to appear. If you don't have the commercial version, then you are limited to the freeware applets. Selecting an applet from the applet menu NOTE ON FLASH APPLETS: Although the dependent files are needed and have to be in your folder when you are customizing and working with one specific Flash applet, they are not always needed when you are going to put the applet on your page. Images, fonts and sounds will be embedded in the SWF file. Normally, you only have to have the HTML OBJECT tag and the SWF file to make an applet work on your folder.